4 Best Ways to Make Money Through Instagram


The name itself spells magic for content creators, entrepreneurs, and marketers.

Why so?

With 500 million+ daily active users, the penetration and reach of the platform are unrivalled. When the user base is this large, you can safely assume that there is a niche audience out there for you. If you play your cards right, you can monetise your Instagram account in more ways than one.

Need more evidence?

Then, check out these shopping stats from Instagram’s official site:

Image via Instagram

It’s evident that Instagram has graduated from a photo-sharing app to a valuable monetisation platform.

Sceptics might still argue that Instagram lacks the structured monetisation models of YouTube. 

To them, I’ll say this: 

If you are enterprising and strategic with your marketing, there’s no reason why you can’t earn a fortune on Instagram. 

To help you get started, I’ve explained four proven monetisation tactics in this post.

Any prerequisites?


You need to create an Instagram Business/Creator account, build a follower count of 1000+, and maintain a decent posting frequency.

With that sorted, you’re ready to do some serious business. 

Let’s get you started…

4 Methods to Monetize Your Instagram Account

Whenever you embark on a new marketing/sales endeavour, it’s wise to create a data-driven strategy. This way, you define your goals, metrics, and KPIs (key performance indicators), all of which helps keep you on track. 

Plan & schedule social media ahead of time.

> Video, gallery & image posts
> Calendar, feed & grid preview
> Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

Once you’re done with goal setting, follow the steps below and watch your Instagram ROI soar.

1. Create Sponsored Posts

Brands on Instagram are always looking for influencers to spread the word about their offerings. In return, they pay handsomely, to the tune of $75 – $3000 per sponsored post. 

But you need to do some groundwork before leveraging this tactic. 

Like what?

To achieve the “influencer” status, you need to work on your brand. 

Build a sizable following by joining relevant groups and communities. Engage with your followers meaningfully, without vested interests. 

Establish your thought leadership by sharing authoritative content. Network with other influencers in your niche and interact with their posts to grab the attention of their fans.

Create a media kit with your portfolio and rate card.

Once you qualify as an influencer, reach out to relevant brands with collaboration proposals. During your outreach, opt for brands whose vision aligns with your personal values. 

Take a leaf from Gabi’s book here:

Image via Instagram 

The plus-sized Instagrammer partners with brands like Premme because she’s a convincing role model for the brand’s target audience. 

Premme gets insider access to Gabi’s follower community, who are, in all likelihood, prospective customers. And, Gabi gets paid to create sponsored posts promoting their clothing. She also adds an A-list brand to her bio, which can do wonders for her saleability.

2. Promote Affiliate Products

One of the simplest ways to monetise your Instagram account is by affiliate marketing.

How does that work?

Need inspiration?

Check out how Instagrammer, Cassie Andrews, encourages her followers to purchase from her affiliate, The Bada Boom Room

Image via Instagram

The post is a compelling example of affiliate marketing since it contains all the necessary elements:

Though affiliate marketing seems pretty straightforward, you need to be careful about whom you endorse. Try to stick to products you have personally vetted and liked. 

Also, don’t be tempted to partner with brands out of your niche just because they offer high commissions. An unnatural association can do more harm than good to your personal brand, ruining your future business prospects.

Anything else?


Promote your partner brands aggressively on all of your social profiles, not only Instagram. 

Keeping track of engagement on multiple platforms can be tedious if done manually. It’s better to use tools to track your social media campaigns. Remember, the more you promote, the higher your earnings will be.

Explore The Data Behind Your Social Media Accounts 📊

Find the best time to post, track your follower growth, and understand what content works best with post and account analytics.

3. Sell Your Products

If you own a store, digital or concrete, you could always advertise your products on Instagram and multiply your revenue. The only condition is that you should have an ardent fan following whose purchase decisions you can sway.

The best part?

You have the liberty to promote your products as you wish. In essence, you are your own boss. You don’t have to part with the revenue generated or stifle your creativity to meet client guidelines.

If that’s not enough to inspire you, take a look at how professional doodler, Nekoma, has made a fortune for herself by monetising Instagram this way. 

Image via Instagram 

She started an online store and leveraged her popularity on Instagram to promote her wares. The store is now in its second year and boasts a loyal fanbase.

4. Build an Integrated Store

You can set up a store on Instagram to sell directly from the platform. By doing so, you get access to their shopping tags, shopping stickers, and the “Shop Now” feature. 

     Shopping Tags – Image via Instagram
Shopping Stickers – Image via Instagram

To set up your Instagram store, follow these steps:

Ready to Power Up Your Instagram Monetisation Game?

As you can see, there are many ways to make money through your Instagram account. Apart from the ones I’ve discussed above, you can also create and sell product review videos or give paid shoutouts to other content creators. To understand the latest monetisation techniques, follow other popular Instagrammers in your niche.

What are your thoughts about Instagram marketing? Share them in the comments section.

Author Bio:

Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, content marketing, and SEO. He is the co-founder of Attrock, a digital marketing agency. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities.

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