9 Incredible Social Media Blogs You Should Follow Right Now

As with most things in tech, the social media world is very fast paced, every day changes and updates are rolled out to our favourite platforms, users are growing and declining, viral trends emerge, and new strategies and tactics are always being formulated. It can be hard work to keep on top of it all, tracking news, best practice and future trends all while building your profile on social.  One of the best ways to stay ahead of the game is to follow the best blogs and newsletters that deliver the most important news and insight on the social media industry. We’ve compiled the best newsletters and blogs that you should be following to stay on top.

#1 Social Media Today

The first stop on our list is Social Media Today, a news publication and blog platform that covers literally everything to do with social media. It’s one stop for all, with the latest news, insight and popular trends on social.

#2 Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is a great blog that we thoroughly enjoy, offering unique insight into the world of social, described as the worlds largest social media marketing resource, with a mission to help you navigate the constantly changing social media world. Sign up to the newsletter to get the best insight right into your inbox.

#3 Hopper HQ Blog

Of course we have to mention our own blog. At Hopper HQ we’re dedicated to helping people be the best at social media marketing, and one of the ways we do so is via our blog. We have tons of content with tips, tricks, best practice all round social media. We also have a weekly newsletter with the latest news and upcoming trends.

#4 HubSpot Marketing Blog

Hubspot have build a fantastic blog for digital marketers looking to increase and build their social media presence. With dozens of resources and articles to help you along the way. The Hubspot blog also offers ideas and inspiration on digital marketing, sales and customer service, all of which can help your social media strategy.

#5 SocialMouths

SocialMouths is an independent blog by Francisco Rosales, who aims to help brands, individuals and small business owners build their presence online, via social media, digital marketing, e-commerce and more. You can find fantastic guides on how to turn platforms like Facebook into strong marketing channels.

#6 SocialMedia.Biz

A fantastic  source of social media news, insight and guides, great for levelling up your social media game. Social Media Biz also has great news and information on SEO, Business and Marketing, a great resource with alot of relevance.

#7 Jon Loomer

Anyone who is looking to grow their presence on Facebook, needs to be checking out marketer Jon Loomers website. Designed for “advanced Facebook marketers”, Jon Loomers site has tons of training, tutorials and resources are available to help you boost your Facebook marketing.

#8 Gary Vaynerchuck Blog

We’ve all heard of Gary Vaynerchuck, but did you know of his amazing blog? Filed with great content including videos, podcasts and articles to help you on your social media. Always filled with valuable gems

#9 Peg Fitzpatrick

Another fantastic blog run by an individual, Peg Fitzpatrick is a speaker, trainer and author in the social media industry, having published “The Art of Social Media Power Tips For Users” she also publishes helpful articles and guides on her blog. Find valuable insights and advice on many platforms including Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

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Have we missed any? Are there any social media newsletters and blogs you would recommend? Comment below and let us know, or get in touch with us!

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